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Board Meeting Minutes - June 2024

Cody Sovis | Published on 7/14/2024

NMMBA Board of Directors Meeting

Date and location: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 Acme Twp Hall

Board present: Brian Pugh, Mike Walters, Chad Schut, Chad Jordan, Kim White, Kate White and Steve Mentzer

Board absent: Tim Reicha, Tim Jenema, Heath Day, Brooke Ruble, Michele Andrews and Tom White

Guest(s): Paul Leonard, Glacial Hills

Mission statement —-> It is our mission to Envision, Build and Protect the mountain bike experience while respecting all forest users and uses.

Brian called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

May minutes were approved by email


There was some discussion as to whether we should pursue an interest bearing account for the organization.

It was decided to not pursue this at this time.

Kim went over the financials. She fielded a few questions pertaining to the monthly intake of dollars.

She also mentioned the organization's insurance premiums had all been paid this week.

General fund balance stood at $25,166.07


Kate informed the board that she had submitted the LMB(League of Michigan Bicyclists) Trailblazing grant on May 31st.

She noted there were different levels of dollar amounts we could pursue.

She opted for the $5000 grant.

These funds, if approved, would be earmarked for the Vasa Bike park.

Award date has not been established.

There were no other active grants to report on.

Chapter reports:

TCTF use permit has been approved by the MIDNR.

Course is in great shape. Couple of sections may need a bit of work but all will be ready by the event date of September 28th.

Sidewalk and changing room foundations have been poured. Same with the kiosk foundation/pad.

Many thanks to Duane Archambo, Heath, Mike, Brian and Joe Wendel for their efforts.

Date to complete the changing room in the last weeks of June is in the works.

Shipment of the pavilion still on target for August of this year.

Will schedule a couple of dates to construct forms and pour the foundation/pad.

Meeting with the DNR still on for Tuesday, June 25th at 9 am at the VST trailhead on Supply road.

With the kiosk pad completed, fabrication of the new kiosk by Great Lakes Stainless should be completed by June 21st. A kiosk raising party will be planned.

Brian issued a big thank you to the Traverse City Horse Show(TCHS) for allowing NMMBA to be a part of their Charity ticket program on June 9th.

It was a great event with great food as well.

Proceeds from that day will result in a check for $1000 which NMMBA will receive.

Scott Slavin has 10 TRAFx trail counters that are no longer supported by the DNR. Scott has offered to loan NMMBA these counters for our trails.

Both Glacial Hills(GH) and Palmer woods(PW) utilize these same counters.

It was suggested to confer with either Curtis or Sue at GH and PW to see how these operate and whether we need any software to support them.

Shop rides:

Chad S has confirmed that the first shop ride will take place on Thursday, June 27th with City Bike Shop. Location still TBD.

Chad will draft a social media announcement this week.

And also will be confirming other shops for the rides scheduled in July, August and September.

Norte varsity team has expressed interest in doing a shop ride and it was also suggested to contact Liz Belt at Intrepid Cycling.


No report submitted but Mike will attend a meeting on Wednesday the 19th of June.

Hickory Hills:

No report submitted. Work progress has been reportedly slow.

Vasa Bike Park:

Trail Sense has begun construction.

Traverse City Light & Power Property:

No report submitted.

NMMBA Winter Trails Committee:

Mike reported that general trail maintenance is ongoing.

Any Oak Wilt needed to be trimmed will have to wait until July 15th. 

Cadillac Pathway:

No report submitted

Bike Leelanau:

Chad J brought the board up to speed.

There's plans on grooming PW trails this winter. Utilizing grooming equipment from Northport.

Also at PW, the picnic shelter, manufactured by Polygon, has been delivered and a crew should have it installed in 2 to 3 weeks.

Stone and boulders for trail armoring have also arrived for placement.

Chad also noted work being performed at Provemont Ponds should be started by this August.

Glacial Hills:

Paul Leonard was in attendance to give this report and field any questions.

  • Parking lot expansion at Vandermark is complete! This will double the capacity at this trailhead.Conversation of further parking expansion for Orchard Hills is taking place. This project would be slated for fall or next spring. 

  • There have been 5 organized trail maintenance volunteer work days totalling in about 300 hours of time. 

  • There have been 4 organized invasive species work days 

  • The new website is almost complete, the board is currently providing feedback and after implementation we will go live! 

TART Staff position:

Tim R and Brian had a meeting with TART’s CEO Julie Clark.

Julie indicated that TART is excited to work with us on this staffing project.

Just not sure of the format that will be used and sources for staff income is still ongoing.

Primal store:

The store is now open and will be through the end of July.

With delivery in mid September, ahead of TCTF.

We will have extra items to sell at that event.

Also an order for socks from DeFeet should arrive in early July.

Ride Kind:

Has been adopted. A link to their website.

NMMBA has been asked to donate to the High Country Pathway(HCP) maintenance fund.

After some discussion Brian made a motion to donate $250.00

To Top Of Michigan Trails Council(TOMTC).

Steve provided the 2nd and it was followed by a unanimous vote.


Kim mentioned that once a month she and John Roe are in on a phone meeting. Discussion centers around chapters laying out plans on trail funding ideas.

TC Tourism Meeting:

Tim R has been networking with TC Tourism to gain sponsorship for TCTF.

With that the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Submitted by

Steve Mentzer, secretary